A nutritionist wants you to know: It’s okay to eat when you’re not hungry. Here’s why.

IIf you have previously dieted or have a history of an eating disorder You may have a complicated relationship with hunger, such as feeling that it’s not healthy for you to eat when you’re not hungry. Physical signs of hunger can be a sign that you Or it could be an unpleasant feeling you are trying to suppress. In the end Diets are not created to provide long-term results. They’re physically and mentally taxing and cause you to have an unhealthy relationship with food.

More and more people are turning to intuitive eating to build a healthy relationship with food. Intuitive eating is amazing at promoting physical and mental health. But as intuitive eating receives more and more attention, Therefore there are more and more people. That promotes a watered down diet, sometimes called a hunger diet.

Of course, “honoring hunger” and “feeling full” are two principles of intuitive eating. But there are eight other principles to this diet-free approach. Even in the matter of hunger Intuitive eating is more than just eating when you’re physically hungry and stopping when you’re full. Actually, it’s also about eating when you’re present. no Physically hungry, this is what I mean.

Different types of hunger In eating according to intuition

What do you think of when you think of hunger? For many people, biological hunger comes to mind, like your growling stomach. feeling low energy or more irritated This is definitely a legitimate form of hunger. and began to notice signs of biological hunger. (Especially small signs like thinking about food or having trouble concentrating on a task.) It takes time and intention. But when we stop at this form of hunger We rob ourselves of developing a more subtle and dynamic relationship with food.

There are actually four types of hunger. that can be recognized in intuitive eating These are biological, practical, taste and emotional hunger. Biological hunger is something we have already talked about. It’s what most of us think of when we think of hunger. However, the other three are often overlooked.

practical hunger

If you normally work from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, you probably have a fixed lunch break. If you are not hungry at that time Would you skip a meal? Why?

Deciding to eat when you’re not hungry because you know you won’t be able to eat for a while is practically honoring hunger.

Practical hunger is planning ahead. As stated by the author Eating is easy to use.Registered Dietitian Nutritionists Evelyn Tribole, RDN and Elyse Resch, RDN I like to think of it as a form of proactive self-care. There are times when you may not feel biologically hungry. But eating makes sense because you know you won’t have a chance to eat when hunger strikes. If you don’t eat when you have the chance The more likely you are to become hungry, to the point of overeating.

taste hunger

When you are at a birthday party If the cake looks good and everyone eats it then It’s okay to eat it even if you’re not biologically starving. Let me repeat that. Intuitive eating is all about being flexible and breaking free from the black and white rules that are the norm in eating.

Besides the birthday party There may be times when you are not biologically starved but you can taste something or a situation that is desired. Maybe after eating a savory dinner You’ll be very full but want to eat something sweet. So you eat a piece of chocolate. That’s one way to honor hunger. There’s nothing wrong with that. You just honor your body in a more appropriate way.

An important part of intuitive eating is connecting with your internal signals to guide your eating. Instead of following external rules and restrictions These internal signals not only signal biological hunger. But it also includes the taste of hunger. So connecting with and respecting this form of hunger is an important part of intuitive eating.

Moreover, when you ignore your cravings, It will cause you to become more obsessed with your restricted foods. Respecting your cravings helps you find the satisfaction your body and mind need. So that you can move on with your life.

emotional hunger

Boredom, loneliness, anger, and stress can all trigger emotional eating. Eating can be a source of comfort when you’re feeling sick or something to do when you’re bored. Oftentimes, this type of eating has been demonized.

In fact Emotional eating is completely normal. I’ll say it again for those in the back: Emotional eating is OK!

Aside from the jokes Our emotions are connected to food in many ways. It may be that you have good memories. That your family cooked certain things for you when you were a child. So you turn to it for peace of mind now. It may be that you are familiar with food which represents love. as is common in some cultures Or maybe you just want to feel good by eating ice cream after a bad day.

Food is meant to make us happy. If it doesn’t make us happy We didn’t have the energy to eat. Which is what we really need to do. to survive So don’t feel ashamed to enjoy food.

As mentioned If something profound is happening to you emotionally It may be worth making sure you have other coping skills. in the metaphorical toolbar to get to the root of the problem.

It is also worth noting that many People call themselves “Emotional eaters” when in reality They just weren’t eating enough. If you often find yourself eating a bag of chips or a box of cookies on the couch at night, Before you call it stress eating Consider whether you eat enough throughout the day. “Emotional eating” at night may actually be because your body has to compensate for lack of food throughout the day. If you’re not sure if you’re eating enough, Working with a nutritionist trained in intuitive eating may help.

Learn to distinguish between the four types of hunger.

Now you know what the four types of hunger are in intuitive eating. You may be wondering how to differentiate between the two types of hunger in your own life.

I encourage you to take a curious and non-judgmental approach. Become more intentional about understanding what motivates you to eat. Whether you ignore hunger or cravings Or do you feel completely disconnected from your body’s signals?

Let me be clear here. This is not intended to be a way to track or “control” your consumption. It’s just a way of making connections with these different types of hunger if you notice yourself becoming perfectionist in respecting hunger or judging certain types of hunger. Take a step back and remember that you can eat when you’re not hungry or for reasons other than natural hunger.

Final Thoughts on Why You Can Eat When You’re Not Hungry

When you go find something to eat There are many types of hunger that can trigger hunger pangs. And that’s totally normal. Instead, limit yourself to eating only when you’re biologically hungry. Consider how you can honor hunger in other ways. How can it be practically, tastefully and emotionally?

#nutritionist #eat #youre #hungry #Heres
Image Source : www.wellandgood.com

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